• Question: What is phycology

    Asked by anon-208899 to Tori, Titus, Stuart, Hannah, Gill, Alessandro on 8 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Stuart Higgins

      Stuart Higgins answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      Psychology is the study of behaviour and how decisions are made. Psychologists try to understand how and why people think the way they do. There’s more about it on the BBC Bitesize page: https://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/articles/psychology/what_is_psychology.shtml

    • Photo: Gill Harrison

      Gill Harrison answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      The study of the mind and how it works/ why people think in a certain way and act in different ways. A psychologist works with people to help them overcome issues and treat psychological distress

    • Photo: Hannah Dalgleish

      Hannah Dalgleish answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      Psychology looks at the ways people think, act, react, and interact. It is the study of human (and animal) behaviour, and the thoughts and emotions that influence behaviour.

      Taken from UCAS: https://www.ucas.com/ucas/subject-guide-list/psychology

    • Photo: Tori Blakeman

      Tori Blakeman answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      Psychology is all about how our minds work and how this impacts our behaviour, from a social science perspective.

      Neuroscience (what I studied) is more about the physical study of the brain and theory of how the brain works.

      Manchester Uni do a course called ‘Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology’ which is a mixture of both Neuroscience and Psychology if you’re interested in both.
