• Question: were you bullied for your idea

    Asked by anon-210302 to Tori, Titus, Stuart, Hannah, Gill, Alessandro on 12 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Gill Harrison

      Gill Harrison answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      I don’t think I’ve had many ideas that anyone would want to bully me for to be honest. I have had people say that my idea was theirs in a meeting, bit nothing that makes that big a difference to me or my work and I’ve known that other people in the room, who I respect, are aware that it’s my work so really not worth me getting upset over.

      I can imagine in some areas people might find it more difficult, but it’s important that we don’t let bullies get power over you. If challenged in a nice way they often back down. Many bullies feel they have something to prove because they’re insecure. It takes time to realise that and I wish I’d known that at school.

    • Photo: Stuart Higgins

      Stuart Higgins answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Not in my science work. Sometimes people don’t agree with how I think my experiment worked, but that’s normal in science and not the same as bullying. It’s important when people disagree about something in science that they discuss it in a polite, professional way.

    • Photo: Hannah Dalgleish

      Hannah Dalgleish answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I’ve not yet had any scientific ideas that people have strongly disagreed with, so luckily for me, no. Although I’ve heard some scientists say that if you are not upsetting people with your ideas then you haven’t really discovered anything new!
