• Question: If you could change one thing about your job, what would you change and why?

    Asked by anon-208926 to Tori, Titus, Stuart, Hannah, Gill, Alessandro on 7 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Gill Harrison

      Gill Harrison answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I’d either chose less marking or less meetings!
      I don’t like sitting down for too long & some meetings go around in circles and never quite get to a solution.

    • Photo: Hannah Dalgleish

      Hannah Dalgleish answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      That I wouldn’t have to do any coding!

    • Photo: Stuart Higgins

      Stuart Higgins answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      I would make my job permanent 😉 At the moment, my job gets renewed every year, and that can be quite stressful!

      This is normal when you start being a university scientist, you have to work for a few years first like this, and then you can apply for permanent jobs at a university. It can be different if you want to work in a company as a scientist, often there you can get a permanent job straight away.
