• Question: What’s the most interesting road block you have found in your reserch?

    Asked by anon-208948 to Stuart on 5 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Stuart Higgins

      Stuart Higgins answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      Good question, took me a while to think about.

      The problem is, at the time, I often don’t think it’s an interesting road block, I’m like ‘why isn’t this thing working, how I’m supposed to solve this problem???’, it’s only afterwards I think ‘ahh actually that was interesting’.

      In my current work, I guess the most interesting thing is trying to understand why cells on spikey surfaces respond the way they do (sometimes change into weird shapes, either sink into the spikes or stay on top of them). It’s interesting because the more I learn about the biology, the more complicated I realise living things are (I did physics at uni, most things in physics are pretty non-living…). And I like it when I reach the limits of what everyone knows – it’s like being an explorer, and realising there’s still so many places left to explore.
