• Question: Who do you think you was more influential in the development of medicine; Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch or Joseph Lister?

    Asked by anon-208734 to Tori, Stuart on 5 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Stuart Higgins

      Stuart Higgins answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      I don’t actually know much about them, so hard to say! Pasteur invented pasteurisation and vaccinations right? So that was a big deal. Koch invented.. *quick Google* … oh blimey he discovered infectious diseases, yeah that’s a big deal too. Joesph Lister makes me think of the mouth wash Listerine.. let me check.. ahh antiseptics and better surgery. (Oh and the mouthwash was named after him).

      Ok, so in that case, maybe Pasteur because vaccinations mean you have less chance of getting ill in the first place? But then if we didn’t have antiseptics, we’d be in trouble too..
